Corbett, J., Howard, H., Chang, E., & Garland, J. (2022). Outcomes Based Contracting (OBC) in
K-12: A Playbook. Atlanta, GA: Southern Education Foundation, Inc.
Garland, J. & Corbett, J. (2021). Sample RFP: Procuring Vendors for Learning Recovery & Acceleration Efforts. Rockville, MD: National Comprehensive Center at Westat.
Layland, A. & Corbett, J. (2021). After Action Reviews for Summer Learning Programs: Identifying Lessons Learned to Accelerate Learning. Rockville, MD: National Comprehensive Center at Westat.
Layland, A. & Corbett, J. (2021). Scenario Planning for Learning Recovery. Rockville, MD: National Comprehensive Center at Westat.
Corbett, J. and Vuong, B. (2021). Promising Procurement Practices to Maximize Learning Recovery: Increasing the Effectiveness of External Vendor Contracting to Provide Services. Rockville, MD: National Comprehensive Center at Westat.
Corbett, J., Donley, J., Feldman, J., Layland, A., & Wilson, M. (2020). Tools for Success in Disruptions: Immediate Recovery and an Opportunity for Change. Rockville, MD: National Comprehensive Center at Westat.
Garland, J. and Corbett, J. (June 2020). Developing More Rigorous Options to Transform Outcomes for Kids: An Overview for State Education Agency Staff and Thought Partners. Council of Chief State School Officers.
Redding, S. and Corbett, J. (2018). Shifting School Culture to Spark Rapid School Improvement: A Quick Start Guide for Principals and their Teams. Center on School Turnaround @ WestEd.
Garland, J., with Layland, A. and Corbett, J. (2018). Systems Thinking Leadership for District and School Improvement. Illinois Center on School Improvement at American Institutes for Research.
Garland, J., with Layland, A. and Corbett, J. (2018). The Role of Equity in School Improvement. Illinois Center on School Improvement at American Institutes for Research.
Garland, J., with Layland, A. and Corbett, J. (2018). A Practical View of MTSS. Illinois Center on School Improvement at American Institutes for Research.
Corbett, J. & McCauley, C. (2017). Recommendations for Differentiating Services to Support Schools Designated for Targeted Support and Improvement. Council of Chief State School Officers and Center on School Turnaround at WestEd.
Layland, A. & Corbett, J. (2017). Utilizing Integrated Resources to Implement the School and District Improvement Cycle and Supports Guidance for Schools, Districts, and State Education Agencies. Council of Chief State School Officers. (Useable Tools: Tool A. Tool C. Tool D.)
Corbett, J. (2017). Ann Arbor, MI: Focusing on Achievement Gaps. Center on School Turnaround at WestEd.
Corbett, J. & Redding, S. (2017). Using Needs Assessments for School and District Improvement: A Tactical Guide. Center on School Turnaround at WestEd and Council of Chief State School Officers. (Useable Worksheets.)
Corbett, J. & Morando Rhim, L. (2016). School Boards Driving Turnaround: Case Study - Wichita Public Schools. Center on School Turnaround at WestEd.
Corbett, J. & Morando Rhim, L. (2016). School Boards Driving Turnaround : Case Study - New Haven Public Schools. Center on School Turnaround at WestEd.
Corbett, J. (2015). Chartering Turnaround: Leveraging Charter School Autonomy to Address Failure. National Alliance for Public Charter Schools and the Center on School Turnaround at WestEd.
Corbett, J. (2015). State Policy Brief: Florida's Extended Time Policy. Center on School Turnaround at WestEd.
Corbett, J. & Redding, S. (2015). State Provided Supports to Districts and Schools: How SEAs Rate Their Impact. Council of Chief State School Officers.
Corbett, J. (2015). State Practice Brief: New Mexico's Principals Pursuing Excellence. Center on School Turnaround at WestEd.
Corbett, J. (2014). State Policy Brief: Mississippi’s Children First Act of 2009. Center on School Turnaround at WestEd.
Corbett, J. (2014). Policy Perspective: School Turnaround in England -- Utilizing the Private Sector. Center on School Turnaround at WestEd.
Corbett, J. (2013). Navigating the Market: How State Education Agencies Help Districts Develop Productive Relationships with External Providers. Chapter 12 in The State Role in School Turnaround: Emerging Best Practices. Eds. L. Morando Rhim & S. Redding.
Corbett, J. (2011). Lead Turnaround Partners: How the Emerging Marketplace of Lead Turnaround Partners is Changing School Improvement. Center on Innovation & Improvement at ADI.
Corbett, J. (2011). The Montana Story: Providing Support to Frontier Communities Through State Oversight, Embedded Coaching, and Community Engagement. Center on Innovation & Improvement at ADI.
Corbett, J. (2011). The Oklahoma Story: Situating School Improvement Grants within a Coherent System of Support, Center on Innovation & Improvement at ADI.
Corbett, J. (2010). The Virginia Story: Forging Strong Working Relationships Among the State, District, School, and External Lead Partners for the Implementation of School Improvement Grants, Center on Innovation & Improvement at ADI.
(2010). 2010 Illinois School Improvement Grant (SIG): FAQs for district and school, board members and teacher and staff union leaders, Consortium for Educational Change.
Calkins, A. & Corbett, J. (2008). Written testimony for the Little Hoover Commission’s public hearing on Educational Governance and Accountability. “Intervention in California’s Underperforming Schools.” Mass Insight Education & Research Institute.